Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Making A Project Together

Today Mr. Ajay and I are working on our curriculum project. We will write up the plans for math projects that students in New York and in India will do, and then share.


Mrs. Kaplan said...

Yo! Hey, can ya see if there is a teacher who would like to gather students to write for the Insider?

Miss ya!


Susan Fisher said...

Hey Jenn,

Hope you are having a great time in India. Sounds like a fabulous experience. One question I have (with my GLI hat of course) is do girls and boys have equal opportunities for educations in India, since Universities are so crowded?

Lovin' the blog!


Anonymous said...

Hy Ms. Zinn I hope your having a great time in India!!! Although I do have a question for you, the link in the school website for the juinor summer project is not working, and I was woundering if you could email Mrs. Horowitz or give me her email so I could tell her about the situation.